Dedicated to Excellence

Victory Christian Academy meets all requirements of the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Instruction and is a member of the North Carolina Christian School Association and the American Association of Christian Schools.

Victory Christian Academy predominantly utilizes the renowned A Beka Book curriculum. A Beka Book curriculum is used by over 750,000 students in Christian schools and provides curriculum in all distinctives required by the State of North Carolina. Using the Bible as our foundation, we provide core instruction in all of the major disciplines.

For more information on the A Beka Book curriculum, click here.


Victory Christian Academy utilizes The Iowa Assessments™, which are nationally standardized tests and meet most state requirements. A few purposes of utilizing nationally standardized tests are the following:

• Identify strengths and weaknesses – Make relative comparisons of student performance from one content area to another.
• Inform instruction – Make judgments about past and future instructional strategies.
• Monitor growth – Describe change in student performance over time.
• Measure core standards – Determine the degree to which students have acquired the essential skills and concepts of core standards.
• Implement Response to Intervention (RTI) – Identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes who may benefit from intensive, systematic learning interventions.
• Inform placement decisions – Place students into programs; assign students to different levels of a learning program.
• Make comparisons – Compare student performance with the performance of local, state, and national groups.
• Evaluate programs – Provide information that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of curricular changes.
• Predict future performance – Use current information to predict future student performance.
• Support accountability – Provide reliable and valid information that can be used to meet school system and state reporting requirements.


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